On the 20th February 1880 a meeting was convened between representatives from the English, Irish and Scotch Constitutions to consider providing a hall to be used by the Launceston Lodges and to discuss the purchase of land which was available in Brisbane Street for £500. A committee was formed and the land purchased. In 1882 the Masonic Hall Co. Ltd., was formed. Plans and estimates were called for the erection of a new hall, and the plan submitted by Rt. Wor. Bro. H. Conway, a Launceston architect, was accepted. On the 10th October 1882 the tender submitted by Bro. James Hill was accepted, and on the 30th November in the same year the foundation stone was laid with Masonic honours by His Excellency, Bro. Sir G.C. Strahan, K.C.M.G., Governor of Tasmania. The building was finished and the ceremony of dedication and consecration was performed on the 15th October 1884 by Right Worshipful District Grand Master, E.C., Bro. Rev. R.D. Poulett-Harris. Between 1884 and 1910 shares in the building were not restricted to members of the Craft. In fact the mortgage was held by a person who was not a Freemason. In August 1910 delegates from the Lodges met and resolved to secure the property for the Fraternity. At a General Meeting of shareholders on 14th March 1911 the directors were empowered to transfer all assets to three Trustees and the building was secured from the mortgagee. The Trustees were: Wor Bro L.J. Abra of St Johns Lodge No. 2; Wor Bro H.R.J. Payne of Lodge of Hope No. 4; and Wor Bro C. James of St Andrew Lodge No. 6. By careful financing, the Trustees supported by members of the three Lodges were able to carry out repairs and within a few years were able to pay off all debts. The front of the building is in the Italian style of architecture, with a Corinthian façade. The building is now owned and used by five Lodges, one of which is Launceston-Lawrie Abra Memorial Lodge. There are also a number of other Masonic Orders using the building for Meetings.