Launceston-Lawrie Abra Memorial Lodge No. 2TC was formed by the amalgamation of Lodge Launceston No. 2TC and Lawrie Abra Memorial Lodge No. 77TC. The inaugural Installation was held at the Masonic Centre, Launceston, on the 26th May 2005. It had been decided by the brethren that the amalgamation was in the best interests of both Lodges and the future of Freemasonry. Lodge Launceston was formed with the consolidation of three Tasmanian Lodges: St Johns Lodge No. 2TC chartered in 1843; St Georges Lodge No. 11TC (Beaconsfield) chartered in 1884 and Centenary Lodge No. 54TC chartered in 1945. Lodge Launceston held its inaugural Installation on the 22nd September 1990. Lawrie Abra Memorial Lodge No. 77TC was established as a Memorial Lodge on the 23rd February 1961 to one of Tasmania's most illustrious Freemasons, the late Most Worshipful Brother Lawrence J. Abra, PGM. He was initiated into Freemasonry in St Johns Lodge No. 2TC in 1898. He was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Tasmania from 1932 - 1935. The Foundation Master was Right Worshipful Brother Lawrence Perrin Abra, PGW, the son of Lawrie J. Abra, PGM. He was later to emulate his father and attain the office of Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Tasmania from 1974 - 1976.