Our Emblem!

Launceston-Lawrie Abra Memorial Lodge

Number 2 on the Roll of The Grand Lodge of AF&AM of Tasmania, Australia.

Lodge Officers

2024  -  2025

Worshipful Master: W Bro A Adam
IPM: W Bro A Bland PM
Senior Warden: Bro G Crole
Junior Warden: W Bro P Whitley
Chaplain: Rt Wor Bro P Radford PM PGW
Treasurer: Rt Wor Bro C P Edwards PM PGW
Secretary:Rt Wor Bro C P Edwards PM PGW
Director of Ceremonies: Rt Wor Bro C P Edwards PM PGW
Senior Deacon: W Bro A Bland PM
Junior Deacon: W Bro L Clarke
Organist: Recorded Music
Almoner: V Wor Bro L P Lonergan PM PGIL
Inner Guard: Wor Bro W W Madden PM GO
Tyler: V Wor Bro L P Lonergan PM PGIL



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